The current maintainer of this software is: Benoit Goudreault-Emond Blame him for the bad stuff. :{) The following people participated in the original version of the software: Benoit Goudreault-Emond William "Bill" Nikitas Simakis Christopher Poitras Ying Wang Wei-Han Frank Lin Rami Fahim Ramez Fahmy Thi Pham Sharon Shasha Luugi Marsan Dareen Sleiman Minh Doan The following people participated in the work for versions 1.99 onwards: Benoit Goudreault-Emond William "Bill" Nikitas Simakis Thanks also go to: Ferhat Khendek for supervising this project. The Concordia ECE network staff for an aggressive software updating policy, without which this project wouldn't have been nearly as easy to do. Concordia University's ECE department for hosting the software engineering course in the first place, which is the main reason we *have* a project. And of course, to everyone who built all those wonderful Free (as in speech) tools that were use for developing this project.